Blogging for dollars is not as difficult as most folks believe it is. Like everything else in this life all you need to do is find proven techniques that have worked for others and then apply them to your situation.
Actually a blog is an extremely powerful affiliate marketing tool that can make any affiliate some very serious cash. Here’s how.
Find the pain
Before you launch your moneymaking blog do identify the most pressing problems that your affiliate product will solve. List them starting with the most nagging and painful.
You can then focus your blog content on discussing these problems and offering really useful advise that will help your prospects solve their problems, other than the product itself. What you are doing here is flagging your hottest prospects for your affiliate product and putting them on an email list that you can market your products to again and again.
Naturally this will take a lot of hard work including plenty of research to get this right but at the end of the day it will be more than worth your while.
Build a list
There must be a pretty good reason why all the top affiliates in the world are always building huge lists of prospects. That reason is that it works and efficiently delivers sales. Affiliate super stars do not waste their time nor damage their credibility online by advertising their products directly on their blogs. Instead they offer interesting content and harvest email addresses using their informative blogs. Think about it for a minute. You work so hard to get traffic to your blog only for your visitors turn up once and then disappear forever. However by getting their email addresses you have an opportunity to build a relationship and communicate regularly with them again and again until they are ready to buy. Research has always shown that folks are highly unlikely to buy anything from somebody they are not familiar with. So get familiar to your prospects first.
The way to build your email list is to offer even more valuable content than what is in your blog and then make it available only via email to subscribers.
How to grow traffic
The harsh reality is that only a fraction of the visitors to your blog will surrender their email addresses and sign up for your free email newsletter. And yet you will need a sizeable number of subscribers to make your blog affiliate marketing work. Actually the more names you get on your email list the more money you will end up making. It is therefore extremely important that you build as much traffic as possible to your blog and that you do it as quickly as possible.
The top two most effective ways of rapidly building up traffic to your site are;
• Use relevant high traffic keywords to get traffic directly from leading search engines.
• Use social media to direct traffic to useful articles on your blog.
High traffic keyword phrases
There are numerous tools for keyword research available online and some of them are even free. Find the keywords and phrases that your potential affiliate product customers use to search for the valuable information you are churning out on your blog. These are the keywords you will then use in the titles of your articles and also in the body, usually in the beginning and at the end.
Use the social media goldmine
Popular social media sites like Facebook can help you attract lots of hits to your blog even as you wait for your keyword marketing to kick in and get you search traffic. You will need to generate captivating content for your status updates based on the articles on your blog and then link back to them.
Blogging can easily be used by any affiliate to lift them from ordinary low earners to top earning super stars. All you need to do is master the techniques used by the vast majority of the most successful affiliate marketing gurus.
How To Market Your Small Business On Twitter
The right way to market on twitter is not by repeatedly posting links that promote your business. You’ll hardly get results that way. That’s like going to a friends’ party and directing the discussion to your business and what you are selling every single time you open your mouth to speak. You are bound to annoy, offend and put off a lot of people. That’s exactly what you will achieve on twitter when you spam people with your promotions.
Always remember the golden marketing rule online which is the fact that people hate to be advertised to and will often go to great lengths to avoid ads. The right approach to successful marketing on twitter is seduction. That means making small talk and attracting interest and certainly not revealing your real intentions too early.
You will attract interest with tweets that add value and give out plenty of useful information for free. Here it is useful to understand human nature and what really interests people. For instance people tend to be very fascinated by problems. If you zero in on information that touches on their most pressing problems of the moment then you will have captured their attention completely.
Ideally this information should be linked to the kind of business you are involved in and want to promote but initially avoid mentioning it or even trying to promote it directly. What you must focus on first is building the right image. The right image will make you desirable to your target audience long before you make your move. In fact if you play your guards right your prospects are the ones who will ask you first for your recommendations.
What about those people who want to cut to the chase and get your product right away? They should be able to get all the information they need in your profile. Your twitter profile is the only place where you can mention your business and what you do without running into any danger of offending and putting off the very prospects you want to attract. It is therefore important for you to spend a lot of time working on your profile. Saying you are the best and people should buy from you will not be as effective as you giving the reasons why your offering is unique and how it will help solve your prospects’ problems.
Twitter is an extremely powerful tool and by taking the right approach in promoting your small business on this popular social network you can end up with some amazingly delightful results.
Always remember the golden marketing rule online which is the fact that people hate to be advertised to and will often go to great lengths to avoid ads. The right approach to successful marketing on twitter is seduction. That means making small talk and attracting interest and certainly not revealing your real intentions too early.
You will attract interest with tweets that add value and give out plenty of useful information for free. Here it is useful to understand human nature and what really interests people. For instance people tend to be very fascinated by problems. If you zero in on information that touches on their most pressing problems of the moment then you will have captured their attention completely.
Ideally this information should be linked to the kind of business you are involved in and want to promote but initially avoid mentioning it or even trying to promote it directly. What you must focus on first is building the right image. The right image will make you desirable to your target audience long before you make your move. In fact if you play your guards right your prospects are the ones who will ask you first for your recommendations.
What about those people who want to cut to the chase and get your product right away? They should be able to get all the information they need in your profile. Your twitter profile is the only place where you can mention your business and what you do without running into any danger of offending and putting off the very prospects you want to attract. It is therefore important for you to spend a lot of time working on your profile. Saying you are the best and people should buy from you will not be as effective as you giving the reasons why your offering is unique and how it will help solve your prospects’ problems.
Twitter is an extremely powerful tool and by taking the right approach in promoting your small business on this popular social network you can end up with some amazingly delightful results.
10 Small Businesses That Benefit From Having Satellite TV
Satellite TV has come a long way since the first satellite television signal was relayed from Europe over North America way back in 1962. Today Satellite TV is widespread and continues to grow rapidly by the day.
What’s more the benefits are much wider than just home entertainment. Here are 10 instances where a small business can benefit from having satellite TV.
1. Small businesses seeking global markets
For any business seriously seeking new global markets satellite TV is invaluable in that it provides information and news on far away markets that can make the difference between success and failure in successfully conquering those new markets.
2. Small business in the commodity business
Any entrepreneur whose business has anything to do with the volatile global commodities market will know that things can change pretty fast. Satellite TV can help anybody stay ahead and get vital information and trends fairly early and before it even starts to have an impact on the market.
3. Businesses with vital inputs sourced in far-away lands
There are certain businesses that have no option but to source vital raw materials and inputs from far-away lands. It is prudent to stay well informed of the latest news and developments on the ground so as to avoid future disruptions in supply. Satellite TV with programming covering those countries is the perfect answer to this.
4. Online business that is global
A vast majority of online businesses are global. It will pay big time to be familiar with the culture, environment and challenges your customers face in different parts of the world. Viewers of satellite TV tend to be much better informed of what is happening globally.
5. Small business seeking new ideas
There are many entrepreneurs who have gotten game-changing ideas from viewing business and related programming from other cultures in distant lands.
6. Entertainment company
Entertainment companies are always seeking to expand and penetrate new global markets. It is impossible to do this without the kind of information and special features that can easily be found in satellite TV.
7. Financial business with overseas clients
Financial businesses with major clients in far-away lands can monitor and stay abreast of progress well beyond the limited reports they receive by taking a keen interest in satellite TV.
8. Small businesses employing foreign nationals
Even if your company has no international dealings chances are that you have employed foreign nationals. By providing satellite TV for them so that they stay abreast of what is happening in their home countries, you can boost their morale and ultimately their productivity for the very small price of your monthly satellite TV subscription that does not involve a salary increment.
9. Nurture creative employees
Satellite TV is very different from local TV in content in that it offers much wider programming which can help nurture the creativity of employees of any business that chooses satellite TV for its’ workers.
10. Makes difficult research easier
Companies are from time to time involved in vital research that is important to the future and well being of their enterprises. Satellite TV often makes this research a lot easier and one may only need to take in the programming of certain specialized channels to gather a lot of information fairly quickly.
What’s more the benefits are much wider than just home entertainment. Here are 10 instances where a small business can benefit from having satellite TV.
1. Small businesses seeking global markets
For any business seriously seeking new global markets satellite TV is invaluable in that it provides information and news on far away markets that can make the difference between success and failure in successfully conquering those new markets.
2. Small business in the commodity business
Any entrepreneur whose business has anything to do with the volatile global commodities market will know that things can change pretty fast. Satellite TV can help anybody stay ahead and get vital information and trends fairly early and before it even starts to have an impact on the market.
3. Businesses with vital inputs sourced in far-away lands
There are certain businesses that have no option but to source vital raw materials and inputs from far-away lands. It is prudent to stay well informed of the latest news and developments on the ground so as to avoid future disruptions in supply. Satellite TV with programming covering those countries is the perfect answer to this.
4. Online business that is global
A vast majority of online businesses are global. It will pay big time to be familiar with the culture, environment and challenges your customers face in different parts of the world. Viewers of satellite TV tend to be much better informed of what is happening globally.
5. Small business seeking new ideas
There are many entrepreneurs who have gotten game-changing ideas from viewing business and related programming from other cultures in distant lands.
6. Entertainment company
Entertainment companies are always seeking to expand and penetrate new global markets. It is impossible to do this without the kind of information and special features that can easily be found in satellite TV.
7. Financial business with overseas clients
Financial businesses with major clients in far-away lands can monitor and stay abreast of progress well beyond the limited reports they receive by taking a keen interest in satellite TV.
8. Small businesses employing foreign nationals
Even if your company has no international dealings chances are that you have employed foreign nationals. By providing satellite TV for them so that they stay abreast of what is happening in their home countries, you can boost their morale and ultimately their productivity for the very small price of your monthly satellite TV subscription that does not involve a salary increment.
9. Nurture creative employees
Satellite TV is very different from local TV in content in that it offers much wider programming which can help nurture the creativity of employees of any business that chooses satellite TV for its’ workers.
10. Makes difficult research easier
Companies are from time to time involved in vital research that is important to the future and well being of their enterprises. Satellite TV often makes this research a lot easier and one may only need to take in the programming of certain specialized channels to gather a lot of information fairly quickly.
Tips To Give Car Dealerships An Edge
These days competition between dealerships is pretty stiff. There is plenty for any owner of such a business to worry about because apart from the usual competition there are also rapidly growing internet dealerships to consider.
Here are some tips that can help a dealership win more business and somehow gain an edge over others while they are at it.
Here are some tips that can help a dealership win more business and somehow gain an edge over others while they are at it.
A welcoming environment is vital====Your vehicle dealership has to be a place where people will enjoy coming to. For you to achieve this you will need to exercise your creativity and put yourself in the shoes of your prospects and customers. Free coffee, drinks or snacks to anybody who walk into your dealership can be a start. The whole idea here is to ensure that you create a friendly environment where your prospects enjoy hanging out. Most of the small things you can do towards this will not cost you much but can help generate word of mouth and the right kind of image in people that can easily turn into sales for you.
You cannot do it all on your own====Many dealerships have the problem of a very high employee turnover. Some business owners don’t seem to appreciate the high cost of training and developing new employees. Or the true value of top-performing hard workers in any business. Successful dealerships will go out of their way to create and maintain the ideal working atmosphere to attract and keep the best talent they can find. In any fiercely competitive marketplace it is the quality of your employees that will usually make all the difference.
What can you do to increase customer loyalty?
When you take the time and effort to work on customer loyalty you can end up reaping huge rewards and enormous benefits. If you do it properly, not only will you get repeat visits but your customers are also capable of referring others and even influencing their decisions on where to buy. Again it is the small and often overlooked things that can make all the difference. Tour of service facilities and sending out regular reminders about upcoming service are examples of things that can be easily done at little cost but will go a long way in winning loyalty from customers.
How often do you plan and review?
The marketplace is evolving all the time and successful dealerships are always quick to recognize changes and adapt to take advantage of the situation. This can only be achieved by constantly reviewing your business performance and the market out there and planning accordingly. Your management team needs to always be alert and paying attention to what is happening. This is the only way you will be able to compete effectively out there.
Is your dealer management software fully updated?
Can you quickly come up with accurate information on your customers and products? People are often impatient and in a hurry and delays in getting information that they require or information that will help your workers serve them better and quicker can end up being extremely damaging. More so in such a competitive environment where people have numerous other options where they can take their businesses to.
It is vital that you always come across as organized and efficient to any prospect or customer you have dealings with. You must remain focused and determined to continue building up your business one customer at a time.
Why Responsive Web Design Is So Important
There is so much talk these days about responsive web design and its’ importance. What exactly is responsive web design? The whole idea is to design a site that focuses on the customer experience. It should be accessible and easily read and navigated across all mobile devices as well as desktops.
Why is it important?
Today many people take the World Wide Web for granted. However the truth is that never before in the history of the human race has there been so much opportunity for a small business or entrepreneur based anywhere in the world to quickly take off and make serious money with minimal or no investment. All you need to do is establish a website and target your audience and in a very short time you could easily be earning a six figure income.
And you do not even need to have your own products or services. We now have multitudes of affiliate marketing stars who enjoy a huge income working from the comfort of their homes or travelling to exotic holiday destinations even as their income continues to pour in. They do not have the traditional headaches of an entrepreneur of worrying about inventory, staff and hundreds of other small details. Instead they simply drive traffic to an affiliate site and sit back as somebody else worries about sales, shipment and repeat orders. In many instances they will earn a hefty share of the income that results that could be as much as 50 per cent or more.
Still all these opportunities will hardly work for a website that has no responsive web design (RWD). Today those who access the web via mobile devices are more than those who use desktops and the number is growing. If the link on your website is so small on a mobile device with a touch screen then it means that visitors to your site will find it impossible to touch it without touching other links in the close vicinity then you will have lost out big time.
Is Responsive Web Design Too Expensive?
Admittedly web entrepreneurs will have to make a big effort and spend money to get responsive web design. Chances are that they will be charged a handsome fee to ensure that all their sites are updated so that they are user friendly across all devices. It is also possible for somebody to do most of the work on their own by simply accessing and reading up on all the technical information required for transforming a website into a highly responsive design.
Still the bottom line is that you will need to spend time and take the trouble to make it happen. BUT whatever you do and no matter how much it costs you can be sure that it will be the kind of investment that will pay back many times over.
Is It Really Possible To Acquire Prime Property In The UK Without A Hefty Deposit?
Chances are that you may have been interested in acquiring property but quickly got discouraged by the hefty deposit that would almost certainly be required if you were to get involved in a real estate transaction.
Surely it is not possible to acquire prime property anywhere in the UK without putting down a deposit is it? Actually it is not only extremely possible but people are actually doing it all the time, even as you read this. Rick Otton a real estate investment expert who has been at it for quite some time now (over 20 years) has been busy proving that there are a wide range of strategies for anybody to get their hands on UK property without putting down any money.
Now, the number of expats interested in UK property has risen sharply in recent times but Otton believes that the numbers could even be higher only that many feel greatly limited by the financial challenges involved in coming up with a huge sum of money before they can ever be considered serious buyers.
The massive surge in interest in UK real estate is hardly surprising to those in the know. Recent surveys have indicated that at least 71 percent Britons residing abroad and investing in UK property have full time tenants in their rental properties. That means that such an investment just now would come with great potential of generating serious cash flow for any investor. This is in sharp contrast to the situation facing many expats who have opted for foreign properties. Figures show that they are only seeing an average measly 47 percent rental.
There is also the fact that most of these markets have the kind of typical resale values that are unlikely to give anybody a profit in any selling transaction. Now that qualifies to be termed a high risk investment and losing one’s shirt would hardly surprise anybody with just a little knowledge in real estate.
Mr Otton’s rather creative strategies for acquiring high value prime property have attracted many eager listeners over the last 20 years and have opened the door for many of them to use the knowledge to build impressive property portfolios. He emphasizes that it is far easier for anybody to get into real estate than most people seem to think. In actual fact all you need to do is actively seek opportunities that do not demand large sums of money as a deposit.
Do such too-good-to-be-true opportunities really exist? Actually they DO and are more plenty than most would want to imagine. For instance there are many owners of rental property in the UK who have accumulated debt and as a result are under considerable financial pressure and strain. Some of them will jump at the opportunity of transferring their debt burden to a new owner.
This kind of scenario may sound unlikely to some observers but as Mr Otton revealed in a recent podcast on iTunes there are numerous investors already using this strategy. And some of them are expats doing it from far-off lands where they are currently based. This is of course made possible using modern technology like Ecosign and Skype. This emerging trend in UK property is no fad and is likely to continue growing for some time to come as property in Britain continues to grow in popularity.
The Investor Sentiment index by Lloyds of London shows that there has been a 50 percent rise in UK property investor sentiment since March 2013. Lloyds adds that with the sterling consistently weak in recent times against other major currencies expats with USD and Euro accounts will find that they can get more for their money more so as UK rents stubbornly point northwards.
Clearly this is a golden opportunity for expats to thrive in the UK property market. And using Mr Otton’s tools and investment secrets it should be fairly easy for anybody to generate a lucrative passive income as well as make a good profit if they decide to re-sell the property later. Indeed with prices steadily rising it is also easy to make hefty profit from a quick re-sell shortly after purchase.
This year is Otton’s 10th year anniversary since he first introduced his innovative property buying strategies in the UK which will work in any kind of economy.
Surely it is not possible to acquire prime property anywhere in the UK without putting down a deposit is it? Actually it is not only extremely possible but people are actually doing it all the time, even as you read this. Rick Otton a real estate investment expert who has been at it for quite some time now (over 20 years) has been busy proving that there are a wide range of strategies for anybody to get their hands on UK property without putting down any money.
Now, the number of expats interested in UK property has risen sharply in recent times but Otton believes that the numbers could even be higher only that many feel greatly limited by the financial challenges involved in coming up with a huge sum of money before they can ever be considered serious buyers.
The massive surge in interest in UK real estate is hardly surprising to those in the know. Recent surveys have indicated that at least 71 percent Britons residing abroad and investing in UK property have full time tenants in their rental properties. That means that such an investment just now would come with great potential of generating serious cash flow for any investor. This is in sharp contrast to the situation facing many expats who have opted for foreign properties. Figures show that they are only seeing an average measly 47 percent rental.
There is also the fact that most of these markets have the kind of typical resale values that are unlikely to give anybody a profit in any selling transaction. Now that qualifies to be termed a high risk investment and losing one’s shirt would hardly surprise anybody with just a little knowledge in real estate.
Mr Otton’s rather creative strategies for acquiring high value prime property have attracted many eager listeners over the last 20 years and have opened the door for many of them to use the knowledge to build impressive property portfolios. He emphasizes that it is far easier for anybody to get into real estate than most people seem to think. In actual fact all you need to do is actively seek opportunities that do not demand large sums of money as a deposit.
Do such too-good-to-be-true opportunities really exist? Actually they DO and are more plenty than most would want to imagine. For instance there are many owners of rental property in the UK who have accumulated debt and as a result are under considerable financial pressure and strain. Some of them will jump at the opportunity of transferring their debt burden to a new owner.
This kind of scenario may sound unlikely to some observers but as Mr Otton revealed in a recent podcast on iTunes there are numerous investors already using this strategy. And some of them are expats doing it from far-off lands where they are currently based. This is of course made possible using modern technology like Ecosign and Skype. This emerging trend in UK property is no fad and is likely to continue growing for some time to come as property in Britain continues to grow in popularity.
The Investor Sentiment index by Lloyds of London shows that there has been a 50 percent rise in UK property investor sentiment since March 2013. Lloyds adds that with the sterling consistently weak in recent times against other major currencies expats with USD and Euro accounts will find that they can get more for their money more so as UK rents stubbornly point northwards.
Clearly this is a golden opportunity for expats to thrive in the UK property market. And using Mr Otton’s tools and investment secrets it should be fairly easy for anybody to generate a lucrative passive income as well as make a good profit if they decide to re-sell the property later. Indeed with prices steadily rising it is also easy to make hefty profit from a quick re-sell shortly after purchase.
This year is Otton’s 10th year anniversary since he first introduced his innovative property buying strategies in the UK which will work in any kind of economy.
Chaos, SEO Kenya, East Africa And How Things Will Never Be The Same Again
It’s a new world out there that keeps changing faster than any of us is able to absorb let alone understand. Let’s face it, technology with all the convenience it comes with has had an impact on all of us that cannot be accurately described without prominently using the word “chaos.”
Fortunately there are a few things that you can do in our chaotic new world that will always ensure your survival and even prosperity and most of them have to do with how you are perceived online. Everybody is online and people now do plenty online. If they are not on their computer in the office you can be sure they are still online with their smart phones somewhere. That should put the writing on wall pretty vividly for anybody.
What’s your visibility online?
It means that your visibility online is terribly important and I am not just talking about having a website or social media presence. Virtually everybody has those and yet many entrepreneurs are still lost at sea in the huge raging ocean out there that is the World Wide Web.
What exactly does visibility mean? Visibility means that you can easily be found by anybody who may want to look for you and even more importantly by those who might be interested in the products or services that you offer. That means that whether you know it or not SEO (search engine optimization) is critical. If your site is NOT optimized for leading search engines then it simply means that it will be impossible for anybody to find your website in the massive sea of websites out there. And whatever good reasons you may have for wanting to be found it is also critical that the vast majority of folks who find you are local. This means that your optimization has to be done by somebody familiar with your locality. And that’s why this long serving SEO expert in Kenya and East Africa is a great place to start.
There are other interesting ways that you can be found, mostly by using the right social media tools that will attract attention to you. It could be PPC ads thrown at the right audience on Facebook or simply interesting social media updates documenting your progress that will attract the right kind of interest. It really is exhilarating just thinking about the vast range of possibilities here.
First impressions count much more online
Chances are that you will never dream of going for that critical meeting mostly with people you have never met before, dressed carelessly. And when you do get to the meeting, there is no doubt that you will sum up the people you meet and arrive at your own conclusions about them in the first few seconds. It will all be based on what they look like and how they are dressed and your mind will be made up long before they have even said a single word.
On the web it gets even scarier and it means that your website design and the general look of your site or blog will determine whether or not visitors will want to take things further with you. It is therefore critical that any website design Hong Kong options you choose to go with brings out the best of you based on the real you.
Success comes much faster on the World Wide Web
There are numerous amazing stories of mind boggling success that can be told by those who have taken the trouble to work on their online visibility. In the bricks and mortar world it will take weeks and sometimes even months for you to determine how successful your launch has been. On the web this timeline is reduced to a few minutes. And that’s not all. Those who have a plan and know what they are doing are able to reach tons of prospects much more quickly and convert a good number of them into paying customers. All this at an extremely low cost. The advantages and sheer convenience of doing business online is something that cannot be denied. That means that whatever trouble you may have to go into to work on the online visibility of your business could pay off big time.
How a person handles their web design and SEO will make or break a business every time. That’s the truth about our chaotic new exciting but still rapidly changing world.
Real Estate Modern Marketing Video Tips
Real estate video tips, real estate modern marketing and technology; what difference would they really make in marketing real estate? Can somebody who is not accustomed to this new way of doings things make any headway let alone succeed?
There are folks who have been in the real estate business for a very long time. Some of them have developed their own methods and valuable contacts and both help get things done. So why try to fix something that is not particularly broken?
Maybe the right question needs to be why not let technology, which has made many things a lot easier work for you?
The power of video marketing
Video is an extremely powerful tool that can be used to market virtually anything. Actually technology has changed people much more and in many ways that most people are yet to acknowledge. For instance audiences tend to have shorter attention spans and are much more impatient than they were a generation ago. The result is that you will reach a lot more people and much more effectively at that by getting your information out there on video rather than by creating lots of content on your website.
If you still have doubts about this, then you need to consider the phenomenal growth of video sharing site and video search engine Youtube.
How to use video to market real estate
There are any creative ways in which a real estate agent can use video marketing. The most obvious is real estate video tours. Simply out you provide tours of homes you are selling by walking through with your video camera on. This dramatically increases the number of prospects you show your property to while saving you a mind boggling amount of time. When you upload the video on Youtube multitudes of new prospects you have never even talked to will be able to see the property and contact you only if they are interested.
Also you will no longer need to struggle to fix appointments for viewing with extremely busy clients. All you need to do is provide them a link for them to view a video of the property online and in the comfort of their offices.
How video increases sales
At the end of the day it is really about how many real estate sales you manage to close. Video can be used in many creative ways to close more sales. For instance you can put satisfied clients on tape and get them to share their happy experiences. Positive referrals even from strangers can be extremely powerful.
You can also create videos packed with tips on how home improvements can be made cheaply and make it widely available. Naturally this will keep you in the minds of multitudes of potential clients so that when they think real estate in their areas, you are the first name that will come to their minds. Folks always prefer to buy from people they are familiar with and your videos can make you familiar to lots of future prospects.
Actually the potential for video in real estate marketing is limitless. Also the potential impact it can have on real estate sales is phenomenal. And there is really no excuse for anybody to fail to use video and modern marketing techniques. Many video cameras these days are digital and extremely user-friendly even to a newbie. Besides there are plenty of real estate video tips, real estate modern marketing tips on the web to get you started.
There are folks who have been in the real estate business for a very long time. Some of them have developed their own methods and valuable contacts and both help get things done. So why try to fix something that is not particularly broken?
Maybe the right question needs to be why not let technology, which has made many things a lot easier work for you?
The power of video marketing
Video is an extremely powerful tool that can be used to market virtually anything. Actually technology has changed people much more and in many ways that most people are yet to acknowledge. For instance audiences tend to have shorter attention spans and are much more impatient than they were a generation ago. The result is that you will reach a lot more people and much more effectively at that by getting your information out there on video rather than by creating lots of content on your website.
If you still have doubts about this, then you need to consider the phenomenal growth of video sharing site and video search engine Youtube.
How to use video to market real estate
There are any creative ways in which a real estate agent can use video marketing. The most obvious is real estate video tours. Simply out you provide tours of homes you are selling by walking through with your video camera on. This dramatically increases the number of prospects you show your property to while saving you a mind boggling amount of time. When you upload the video on Youtube multitudes of new prospects you have never even talked to will be able to see the property and contact you only if they are interested.
Also you will no longer need to struggle to fix appointments for viewing with extremely busy clients. All you need to do is provide them a link for them to view a video of the property online and in the comfort of their offices.
How video increases sales
At the end of the day it is really about how many real estate sales you manage to close. Video can be used in many creative ways to close more sales. For instance you can put satisfied clients on tape and get them to share their happy experiences. Positive referrals even from strangers can be extremely powerful.
You can also create videos packed with tips on how home improvements can be made cheaply and make it widely available. Naturally this will keep you in the minds of multitudes of potential clients so that when they think real estate in their areas, you are the first name that will come to their minds. Folks always prefer to buy from people they are familiar with and your videos can make you familiar to lots of future prospects.
Actually the potential for video in real estate marketing is limitless. Also the potential impact it can have on real estate sales is phenomenal. And there is really no excuse for anybody to fail to use video and modern marketing techniques. Many video cameras these days are digital and extremely user-friendly even to a newbie. Besides there are plenty of real estate video tips, real estate modern marketing tips on the web to get you started.
Expats Interest In UK Real Estate Justified Says Lloyds of London
Investor interest in UK real estate and property has been rising sharply for over a year and all indications are that this trend is set to continue Lloyds of London now says.
The clearest indicator yet of this trend is the Lloyds of London Investor Sentiment Index which shows a whooping growth of 50 per cent in investor sentiment towards UK property since March 2013. This is a significant rise by any standards.
Lloyd’s further adds that expats are bound to do even better in the British real estate market as the sterling continues to lose ground to other major currencies. In effect this means that investors using foreign currencies will tend to find properties cheap. This coupled with the fact that rents in the UK are on the rise will enable those with USD and Euro accounts abroad to get a lot more for their money.
Rick Otton, a real estate investment educator agrees but adds that the biggest impediment for expats to cash in on the situation is the misconception that one cannot enter the UK property market without putting down a hefty deposit. In effect this would mean that it cannot be done without taking out huge bank loans.
“I have been encouraging those hoping to purchase UK houses for sale to put aside their misconceptions that they require a deposit in order to purchase UK property, said Mr Otton.
For over 20 years now Otton has been sharing real estate strategies which many have found to be creative and is now urging expats to approach this golden opportunity to profit in UK Real Estate with an open mind. He recommends embracing his approach of seeking motivated sellers and opportunities arising from current circumstances on the ground amongst other innovative strategies.
He gives the examples of rental properties where in many instances owners of such property have found themselves under considerable financial pressure linked to running and managing the rental property. Many have ended up in serious debt and have therefore been more than happy to transfer ownership to any buyer willing to consider taking over their nagging debt burden and ease their financial stress.
Most people who hear about this for the first time find it an unrealistic or even far-fetched scenario. However Mr Otton says he has proved his case several times, most recently in an iTunes podcast where he demonstrated that not only is this strategy being used by more and more people entering the UK property market to buy but many are also doing it from outside Britain and in different corners of the globe. The use technological tools on the World Wide Web like skype and Ecosign amongst others makes it possible.
Otton says that by using his strategies and tools it is fairly easy for any expat investor to take over a buy-to-let mortgage with no deposit and begin to generate a passive income almost immediately. A quick profit can even be made if the same investor opts to re-sell the property right away. Otton adds with the current steeply rising prices in the UK property market it is very possible to make a substantial profit even if one opts to sell shortly after acquisition.
Otton says that his strategies for handling property acquisition have been proven successful in any economy. More so in the current property environment in the UK where high rents reign. There is a real chance for anybody to benefit hugely from the no money down and no associated risk approach, he says.
Statistics seem to back up Mr Otton. UK expats abroad who have purchased property there have had to contend with an average of a measly 47 percent rental. This means that property investments in those markets are hardly bringing in the desired returns. More so where rents tend to remain steady for years. When you add the fact that in most cases resale of property for a profit is difficult in most foreign real estate markets, it becomes clear that this kind of investment falls under the high risk category and losing your shirt is not uncommon.
In sharp contrast recent figures reveal that 71 percent of UK expats abroad report full time tenants in their UK properties.
Otton encourages expats to acquire real estate without bank loans or deposits which will enable most to not only cover their costs but to also establish cash flow at the same time.
“I encourage them to look for, and embrace, innovative strategies that will allow them to acquire UK property for little to no money down.”
How To Pass An Interview
Have you ever attended one of those job interviews where you sense the competition is so high that you get nervous and end up blowing it? If only you had all the tips at your finger tips and knew exactly how to pass an interview then it would surely have been much easier for you to get that dream job you gunned for.
There are those folks who are experts at job interviews and then there is the rest of us who struggle through interviews and if we ever get hired it is just plain luck that was on our side.
The good news is that the art of passing an interview is something that can easily be learnt. You can actually make the effort to get the necessary skills you require to ensure that you land any job you want by being nothing but impressive at the interview.
Do your research
Most interviews are passed or failed at the research and preparation stage. The work that you put in before the interview will usually make the difference.
Start by finding out all you can about the organization that you would like to work for. Do not limit yourself to their websites and general company information that is easily available. You will need to go further and even read newspaper articles and whatever news you can find on them. News articles can actually be pretty valuable because they tend to highlight problems and chances are that you could even manage to figure out from the news precisely why they are hiring which will help you considerably in coming up with the right answers at the interview.
How will you get there?
Picture the following. You do not give enough thought to it and assume that the location of the interview should be easy to find. Instead you end up getting lost and this adds to your nervousness. You finally arrive with just minutes to spare and get ushered in for the interview still breathing hard and not having had the time to collect yourself. Avoid these kinds of situations by planning your route to the interview well in advance and leaving for your appointment as early as possible so that you end up with plenty of time spare. You will then be able to get accustomed to the venue and do all the other things you need to do to get as relaxed and confident as you can.
What will you wear?
Do carefully consider what you will wear and even put it on days before the interview and look into the mirror to see what you look like. Do not overdo it. Just find something you are comfortable in that also makes you look great. First impressions made in the first few seconds of entering the interview room are critical and the way you dress will always be a major contributing factor to it.
Are you ready for difficult questions?
You have prepared well for the interview, you feel confident and you look great. But in the end you get tripped up by a question right at the end of the interview when everything until then was going so great. And ultimately you fail to get the job. This can even be a greater disappointment than if you had just tripped up right from the start.
Sit down and think of all the most difficult possible questions that can be thrown at you. Take another look at your resume and put yourself in the shoes of the hiring authority. What weaknesses would you have spotted and what kind of questions would you most likely have raised?
The more intensively you carry out this exercise, the better you will be prepared for any nasty questions that may pop up at any stage of the interview process.
Your exit is also important
Remember that as you walk out, in most cases the decision will not have been made yet. So you need to make sure that you have an edge over the others by making the most out of your exit at the end of the interview. It is a good idea to shake your prospective employers hand with a firm grip and thank them for the interview opportunity while wishing them all the best in future whether or not they end up hiring you. That's how to pass an interview.
There are those folks who are experts at job interviews and then there is the rest of us who struggle through interviews and if we ever get hired it is just plain luck that was on our side.
The good news is that the art of passing an interview is something that can easily be learnt. You can actually make the effort to get the necessary skills you require to ensure that you land any job you want by being nothing but impressive at the interview.
Do your research
Most interviews are passed or failed at the research and preparation stage. The work that you put in before the interview will usually make the difference.
Start by finding out all you can about the organization that you would like to work for. Do not limit yourself to their websites and general company information that is easily available. You will need to go further and even read newspaper articles and whatever news you can find on them. News articles can actually be pretty valuable because they tend to highlight problems and chances are that you could even manage to figure out from the news precisely why they are hiring which will help you considerably in coming up with the right answers at the interview.
How will you get there?
Picture the following. You do not give enough thought to it and assume that the location of the interview should be easy to find. Instead you end up getting lost and this adds to your nervousness. You finally arrive with just minutes to spare and get ushered in for the interview still breathing hard and not having had the time to collect yourself. Avoid these kinds of situations by planning your route to the interview well in advance and leaving for your appointment as early as possible so that you end up with plenty of time spare. You will then be able to get accustomed to the venue and do all the other things you need to do to get as relaxed and confident as you can.
What will you wear?
Do carefully consider what you will wear and even put it on days before the interview and look into the mirror to see what you look like. Do not overdo it. Just find something you are comfortable in that also makes you look great. First impressions made in the first few seconds of entering the interview room are critical and the way you dress will always be a major contributing factor to it.
Are you ready for difficult questions?
You have prepared well for the interview, you feel confident and you look great. But in the end you get tripped up by a question right at the end of the interview when everything until then was going so great. And ultimately you fail to get the job. This can even be a greater disappointment than if you had just tripped up right from the start.
Sit down and think of all the most difficult possible questions that can be thrown at you. Take another look at your resume and put yourself in the shoes of the hiring authority. What weaknesses would you have spotted and what kind of questions would you most likely have raised?
The more intensively you carry out this exercise, the better you will be prepared for any nasty questions that may pop up at any stage of the interview process.
Your exit is also important
Remember that as you walk out, in most cases the decision will not have been made yet. So you need to make sure that you have an edge over the others by making the most out of your exit at the end of the interview. It is a good idea to shake your prospective employers hand with a firm grip and thank them for the interview opportunity while wishing them all the best in future whether or not they end up hiring you. That's how to pass an interview.
What To Look For In A Keyword Research Service
SEO keyword research is critical to the success of any online business and yet it is extremely time consuming and confusing at times. And even if you have the time there is little chance of a newbie getting it right. A good keyword Research service company is the answer.
Still you will need to know what to look out for because it is easy to end up with a service that will not be of much help to you.
You will need to start out by asking a few pertinent questions. Ask the service provider to explain their process in simple terms that you can understand. This will not only enlighten you on how they work but will also give you useful pointers to understanding the whole process so that you can be able to fully benefit from their services.
Another question to ask is about the research tools they use and how much they rely on them. Research tools will hardly be useful to folks who don’t have a deep understanding of keyword research and how to apply it. For starters such folks will be unable to process the information for you so that it is as useful as possible. What about clients they have worked for who are happy and have some great results to show?
But even after asking all these questions there are certain things you will need to look out for as the work is done to fully benefit from the keyword research services being offered. They include;
Does your company interview you to get details about your products and business goals?
Has your website keyword research service shown you sample keyword research reports?
Have they covered videos, web2.0 sites, articles and websites?
Have they given you useful advice on how to use the keywords provided?A keyword research service that knows its’ stuff should be able to give you direction and advise on precisely how to use the keywords provided.
Have they provided SEO ranking scores and levels of difficulty?
Do you have both targeted long tail results and general categories?
Organized keyword research company
Still you will need to know what to look out for because it is easy to end up with a service that will not be of much help to you.
You will need to start out by asking a few pertinent questions. Ask the service provider to explain their process in simple terms that you can understand. This will not only enlighten you on how they work but will also give you useful pointers to understanding the whole process so that you can be able to fully benefit from their services.
Another question to ask is about the research tools they use and how much they rely on them. Research tools will hardly be useful to folks who don’t have a deep understanding of keyword research and how to apply it. For starters such folks will be unable to process the information for you so that it is as useful as possible. What about clients they have worked for who are happy and have some great results to show?
But even after asking all these questions there are certain things you will need to look out for as the work is done to fully benefit from the keyword research services being offered. They include;
Does your company interview you to get details about your products and business goals?
How will your keyword research service be able to do any useful work without understanding your business? Will the keyword research really be effective if their understanding of your target audience is hazy at best? This is the reason why it is imperative that they interview you and ask you lots of questions because assumptions can sometimes end up being wrong.
Has your website keyword research service shown you sample keyword research reports?
Even if your knowledge is limited by just seeing the keyword research reports you will be able to gauge the kind of work that has been done. You will also be able to tell if they are on course to give you the kind of keywords that will generate traffic and profits for your business.
Have they covered videos, web2.0 sites, articles and websites?
The keyword research done should cover everything. Even if you have no immediate plans for video for instance, all this is useful information that you will certainly need in future as your online business thrives.
What about LSI and related keyword results?
LSI (Latent semantic indexing) used in search engines identifies relationships and patterns between words in a collection of text. No keyword research project will be complete without it because it is an important guide when you are creating content for your site and targeting keywords that have low competition which will naturally give you a lot more traffic.
Have they given you useful advice on how to use the keywords provided?A keyword research service that knows its’ stuff should be able to give you direction and advise on precisely how to use the keywords provided.
Have they provided SEO ranking scores and levels of difficulty?
A keyword research report is useless without ranking scores and levels of difficulty. You will not be able to use all the keywords you get right away. Actually the prudent thing to do is to always start with the less competitive keywords and then work your way up. This will NOT be possible without detailed ranking scores for each keyword.
Do you have both targeted long tail results and general categories?
Long tail keywords will always be less competitive and will be the ones you want to start off focusing on. A combination of a few long tail keywords can sometimes exceed top traffic keywords. You also need general category keywords as a guide.
Organized keyword research company
For you to be successful in any project you will always need to be super-organized. Your keyword research company therefore need to be very organized and this should also be reflected in the report that they submit to you which needs to be neatly arranged in themes and categories for easier understanding and organization.
10 Seduction Secrets Used By Men Who Understand Women
Virtually every man in this life will find themselves in a situation where they need to seduce a woman. Unfortunately most don’t have a clue as to how to do it. They end up blundering their way to failure. Here are 10 top seduction secrets used by men who have a deep understanding of women and their nature.
1. Smell Great
Nothing puts off a woman faster than a bad smell from a man. And nothing can turn on a woman quicker than a man who smells irresistibly great. And to think that all you have to do is take your time to find a great deodorant and matching cologne. And don’t forget to carry around a good mouthwash. With a foul smell any attempt at seduction will promptly end before it has even started.
2. Go For The Jugular Every Time By Creating Sexual Tension
It always comes down to sexual tension. The more sexual tension you can build between the two of you, the better. There are various techniques you can use to build this attention including NOT avoiding awkward silence between the two of you.
3. You Won’t Do It Without Confidence
Some men like to talk down on themselves and think that women find it cute. Actually it turns them off big time. Even if you make a mistake and spill all the drinks all over her dress, keep your cool and stay unruffled and confident. Confidence is a powerful magnet that women find hard to resist.
4. Play Games And Tease Her A Lot
Tease her and be merciless about it. Dare to do it even in front of her friends. Put her in her place. What will result is that your cocky behavior will trigger off chemicals that have been in the brain of women since the beginning of time and she will really feel attracted to you.
5. Don’t Talk Highly Of Yourself
The common mistake many men make while playing games and being cocky is to start talking too highly of themselves. You will immediately come across as an arrogant jerk no woman will be attracted to.
6. Talk About Sex
Don’t do this too soon. Talk and get to know the girl better. Make sure that she is comfortable with you even if you have just met. And then start talking about sex. Don’t over-do it. The idea here is just to plant the thought in her mind. Once planted it will not go away.
7. Dress well
Pretty obvious this one and yet many men will not take the time to really think about how they dress and the message that it sends across to all those who meet them. You need to be well groomed too.
8. Avoid Getting Drunk
Some men are so nervous around women that they need to get really drunk to even chat them up. Stinking of alcohol and acting like a creep will hardly help you score with women. Work on your inner game and develop your self belief.
9. Don’t Try Too Hard
It’s easy to spot a man who is trying too hard. Women can smell them a mile away. The kind of guys who plead with women to give them attention. No woman wants to come across as being too easy and besides the pleading is a real turn off to most women.
10. Really, really Listen
You can easily seduce a woman only by listening and paying attention to what she is saying. Done right you will find some women who will talk themselves into your bed. The truth is that women like attention and being listened to. And she will quickly tell if you are really listening and if the interest in what she has to say is really genuine.
Sadly most men love to talk about themselves and can hardly stop. They will interrupt to tell their story which to them is much more exciting and interesting than the boring stuff coming out of the good lady’s mouth. Big mistake.
1. Smell Great
Nothing puts off a woman faster than a bad smell from a man. And nothing can turn on a woman quicker than a man who smells irresistibly great. And to think that all you have to do is take your time to find a great deodorant and matching cologne. And don’t forget to carry around a good mouthwash. With a foul smell any attempt at seduction will promptly end before it has even started.
2. Go For The Jugular Every Time By Creating Sexual Tension
It always comes down to sexual tension. The more sexual tension you can build between the two of you, the better. There are various techniques you can use to build this attention including NOT avoiding awkward silence between the two of you.
3. You Won’t Do It Without Confidence
Some men like to talk down on themselves and think that women find it cute. Actually it turns them off big time. Even if you make a mistake and spill all the drinks all over her dress, keep your cool and stay unruffled and confident. Confidence is a powerful magnet that women find hard to resist.
4. Play Games And Tease Her A Lot
Tease her and be merciless about it. Dare to do it even in front of her friends. Put her in her place. What will result is that your cocky behavior will trigger off chemicals that have been in the brain of women since the beginning of time and she will really feel attracted to you.
5. Don’t Talk Highly Of Yourself
The common mistake many men make while playing games and being cocky is to start talking too highly of themselves. You will immediately come across as an arrogant jerk no woman will be attracted to.
6. Talk About Sex
Don’t do this too soon. Talk and get to know the girl better. Make sure that she is comfortable with you even if you have just met. And then start talking about sex. Don’t over-do it. The idea here is just to plant the thought in her mind. Once planted it will not go away.
7. Dress well
Pretty obvious this one and yet many men will not take the time to really think about how they dress and the message that it sends across to all those who meet them. You need to be well groomed too.
8. Avoid Getting Drunk
Some men are so nervous around women that they need to get really drunk to even chat them up. Stinking of alcohol and acting like a creep will hardly help you score with women. Work on your inner game and develop your self belief.
9. Don’t Try Too Hard
It’s easy to spot a man who is trying too hard. Women can smell them a mile away. The kind of guys who plead with women to give them attention. No woman wants to come across as being too easy and besides the pleading is a real turn off to most women.
10. Really, really Listen
You can easily seduce a woman only by listening and paying attention to what she is saying. Done right you will find some women who will talk themselves into your bed. The truth is that women like attention and being listened to. And she will quickly tell if you are really listening and if the interest in what she has to say is really genuine.
Sadly most men love to talk about themselves and can hardly stop. They will interrupt to tell their story which to them is much more exciting and interesting than the boring stuff coming out of the good lady’s mouth. Big mistake.
How To Seduce A Woman By Making Her Jealous
So there is this woman you'd love to get horizontal with. You've been thinking about it for a very long time... and I mean a very long time. But the opportunity has never really presented itself. Finally one day out of the blue all the chips suddenly and unexpectedly fall into place and fate thrusts you into this social setting... and she's there. But there's a problem. You're lost for words. After all this time you finally have her within reach and you're so nervous your mind just goes blank and you don't know what to do.
Actually what you need is a killer strategy that will not fail you. Ooops don't even have a strategy let alone a killer one?
Well, you're in luck here is one that hardly ever fails and it's called getting her jealous. Yep, that's the kind of strategy that is guaranteed to get through that cool exterior provoking the animal in her. If you play your cards right you'll have her all over you before the evening ends and finally you'll end up exactly where you want to end up... with her.
It is difficult to find a more potent emotion in any woman than jealousy. Jealousy is amazingly powerful and if you trigger it correctly in a girl you want, you will guarantee her keen interest and intense desire for you. Without going into the mechanics of why jealousy disorientates women so much, just knowing that this is the way girls are wired is you in the driver's seat. Heck it is you holding such a powerful seduction weapon in your hands that any woman you fancy is literally at your mercy.
In a nutshell the whole idea is to cause her to be jealous enough to start feeling covetous toward you. When this happens her emotions are guaranteed to spill all over the place. And more importantly in her mind she will translate all these turmoil of emotions and feelings to mean only one thing--deep longing and love for you. Simple but you can bet that it works every time.
Flirt Beyond The Limits BUT Don’t Tell Her You Like Her
While it is true that any woman can quickly tell if you like her, the truth is that she will never be quite sure until you actually tell her. But telling her is the wrong play because the minute you open your mouth to profess your love you will lose your power and chances are that she will also lose interest in you shortly after that, if not right away. Theoretically there are many who would argue against this but I would like to challenge you to try it practically.
What you must do is keep flirting with her but never tell her your true feelings which will always keep, if not increase, your power over her. This is what you always need for effective seduction.
Turn And Flirt Elsewhere
Flirt to the point where she starts feeling uncomfortable. Sure signs that you are reaching her and she is getting uncomfortable include blushing, giggling or fidgeting. When this starts to happen suddenly look elsewhere. Start talking to somebody else and for a moment behave as if the object of your desire does not exist.
What will happen next is that she will realize that although you seem to have something for her she clearly does NOT have your undivided attention. If done right she will then do everything to try and keep your attention focused on only her. You can bet that she will be seething with jealousy as she does this.
It is even better if the second girl has already seen you flirting with the first because the jealousy will work both ways which guarantees you success in case one of them reaches their limit and storms off. Highly unlikely though.
Any man who has even an inkling of an idea of what women are all about will tell you that they are extremely competitive by nature, especially where men are concerned. It doesn't matter how smart or educated they are, they will always react in the same way. It is a basic human instinct that is difficult for them to resist or escape.
Return And Increase Sexual Tension
After you've flirted with the other girl for a while go back to her but do not give her all your attention immediately. Occasionally keep glancing across the room at the second girl, wave and make faces and generally try to have a conversation going across the room.
In the brief moments that you turn your attention back to the first woman try and build sexual tension between the two of you. There are several ways to do this.
For instance you can use what is known as the triangle gaze. Look at her from one eye to another and then look at her mouth. This implies you are thinking of kissing her and she will get the message instantly. But don’t kiss her yet. Instead change the subject and start talking about the weather or something.
By all means do not avoid lengthy silences between you. Awkward silence can also be pretty effective in building sexual tension.
Done right, as the sexual tension between the two of you mounts, you will literally have her eating out of your hand and she will start to have very strong emotions towards you.
But there is a disclaimer here. This may not be the kind of technique that can be practised by a man who is not totally confident with the girls. Not to mention the fact that it requires nerves of steel because most folks will be terrified that the girl they are interested in will get angry and storm of. This is indeed a possibility, albeit a very remote one. However if you can pull it off, this is a trick that is very effective and will always work like a charm.
See also;
Subtle Animal Instinct Signs That A Woman Wants To Have Sex With You
How to approach a woman and take her home
Men Who Pick Women At Will Use These Techniques
Actually what you need is a killer strategy that will not fail you. Ooops don't even have a strategy let alone a killer one?
Well, you're in luck here is one that hardly ever fails and it's called getting her jealous. Yep, that's the kind of strategy that is guaranteed to get through that cool exterior provoking the animal in her. If you play your cards right you'll have her all over you before the evening ends and finally you'll end up exactly where you want to end up... with her.
It is difficult to find a more potent emotion in any woman than jealousy. Jealousy is amazingly powerful and if you trigger it correctly in a girl you want, you will guarantee her keen interest and intense desire for you. Without going into the mechanics of why jealousy disorientates women so much, just knowing that this is the way girls are wired is you in the driver's seat. Heck it is you holding such a powerful seduction weapon in your hands that any woman you fancy is literally at your mercy.
In a nutshell the whole idea is to cause her to be jealous enough to start feeling covetous toward you. When this happens her emotions are guaranteed to spill all over the place. And more importantly in her mind she will translate all these turmoil of emotions and feelings to mean only one thing--deep longing and love for you. Simple but you can bet that it works every time.
Flirt Beyond The Limits BUT Don’t Tell Her You Like Her
While it is true that any woman can quickly tell if you like her, the truth is that she will never be quite sure until you actually tell her. But telling her is the wrong play because the minute you open your mouth to profess your love you will lose your power and chances are that she will also lose interest in you shortly after that, if not right away. Theoretically there are many who would argue against this but I would like to challenge you to try it practically.
What you must do is keep flirting with her but never tell her your true feelings which will always keep, if not increase, your power over her. This is what you always need for effective seduction.
Turn And Flirt Elsewhere
Flirt to the point where she starts feeling uncomfortable. Sure signs that you are reaching her and she is getting uncomfortable include blushing, giggling or fidgeting. When this starts to happen suddenly look elsewhere. Start talking to somebody else and for a moment behave as if the object of your desire does not exist.
What will happen next is that she will realize that although you seem to have something for her she clearly does NOT have your undivided attention. If done right she will then do everything to try and keep your attention focused on only her. You can bet that she will be seething with jealousy as she does this.
It is even better if the second girl has already seen you flirting with the first because the jealousy will work both ways which guarantees you success in case one of them reaches their limit and storms off. Highly unlikely though.
Any man who has even an inkling of an idea of what women are all about will tell you that they are extremely competitive by nature, especially where men are concerned. It doesn't matter how smart or educated they are, they will always react in the same way. It is a basic human instinct that is difficult for them to resist or escape.
Return And Increase Sexual Tension
After you've flirted with the other girl for a while go back to her but do not give her all your attention immediately. Occasionally keep glancing across the room at the second girl, wave and make faces and generally try to have a conversation going across the room.
In the brief moments that you turn your attention back to the first woman try and build sexual tension between the two of you. There are several ways to do this.
For instance you can use what is known as the triangle gaze. Look at her from one eye to another and then look at her mouth. This implies you are thinking of kissing her and she will get the message instantly. But don’t kiss her yet. Instead change the subject and start talking about the weather or something.
By all means do not avoid lengthy silences between you. Awkward silence can also be pretty effective in building sexual tension.
Done right, as the sexual tension between the two of you mounts, you will literally have her eating out of your hand and she will start to have very strong emotions towards you.
But there is a disclaimer here. This may not be the kind of technique that can be practised by a man who is not totally confident with the girls. Not to mention the fact that it requires nerves of steel because most folks will be terrified that the girl they are interested in will get angry and storm of. This is indeed a possibility, albeit a very remote one. However if you can pull it off, this is a trick that is very effective and will always work like a charm.
See also;
Subtle Animal Instinct Signs That A Woman Wants To Have Sex With You
How to approach a woman and take her home
Men Who Pick Women At Will Use These Techniques
Subtle Animal Instinct Signs That A Woman Wants To Have Sex With You
While men are rather obvious and easy to read when it comes to figuring out their intentions, women are the extreme opposite. It is not unusual for her to make some curt hostile remarks when she is actually burning with desire for you inside her. Or they might look excessively bored when their heart is beating violently against their rib cage and is obviously very interested in you.
This is one of the reasons why most men fail with women. They pay too much attention to what she is saying while totally ignoring her body language which never lies and ALWAYS tells it as it is.
It is therefore extremely useful to be able to read the body language of a woman and recognize the subtle, sometimes animal instinct, signs that are usually screaming out to you. Remember that NOT all women are exactly the same and some of the signs will be different in different women.
Leans Towards You
If she leans a lot in your direction and sometimes even touches your arm gently or looks for the least excuse to touch you then you know she likes you and probably desires you as well.
Licking Her Lips
There are girls who like to lick their lips. But then if you are very observant you should be able to tell from the way she licks her lips if it is a sign or just an inborn habit. It will often be slower and more subtle, usually totally unconscious on her part.
Caressing her glass
If you find yourself talking to a woman who is caressing her glass in circular motion around the rim you can almost be certain that she is thinking about sex. I have seen this fascinating involuntary action many times and I have never been wrong as to what it meant. Although there are bound to be exceptions of course. Don’t get careless and confront her about what she is doing and what it might mean. That will spoil everything in most cases. Instead act on the information you have received and gently take the encounter to the next level.
She’s Touching Her Hair A Lot
Some girls touch their hair a lot when they are nervous and so when this happens in a social setting to a girl you are talking to chances are that she is flustered by your presence and more so the desires it is provoking in her body.
Shaking One Of Her Legs
Very animal instinct behavior this one and with a very clear message; she is turned on.
She’s laughing A Lot
I am not sure about the psychological reason why girls laugh a lot around men they are attracted to. But it happens a lot. And so if she’s laughing uncontrollably even when you haven’t said anything particularly funny then you should know that it means she has the hots for you.
Leading Questions She Asks
Men are generally very slow in catching hints from the fairer sex. At least that’s the view held by a vast majority of women. And as a result many good ladies are accustomed to using leading questions to try and catch the attention of a man. And many times the men still miss it.
Always pay very close attention to what she is saying and the questions she is asking. You could for instance announce that you are about to tell a joke and despite the fact that you have not told any dirty jokes all evening she quickly blurts out; “Is that a naughty joke now?” This should give you a very clear idea of what she is thinking. To be sure wait and see if the process is repeated. It usually is, several times, at least until she gives up that you will ever understand what is going on.
Shifty Eyes
Sometimes shifty nervous eyes in a girl will indicate that she is very interested in you. This depends on her personality and applies most to shy girls. In some cases the girl will be terrified of holding your gaze or you looking straight into their eyes. This could be an indication that she likes you but is not sure about your feelings and is therefore terrified of you seeing her true feelings in her eyes.
Some women will display several of these signs when they are interested in a man. Others will hardly show any of them. However armed with this general guide it should be much easier for you to spot any other different tell tale signs that are not listed here.
See also;
How to approach a woman and take her home
Men Who Pick Women At Will Use These Techniques
10 seduction secrets used by the pros
This is one of the reasons why most men fail with women. They pay too much attention to what she is saying while totally ignoring her body language which never lies and ALWAYS tells it as it is.
It is therefore extremely useful to be able to read the body language of a woman and recognize the subtle, sometimes animal instinct, signs that are usually screaming out to you. Remember that NOT all women are exactly the same and some of the signs will be different in different women.
Leans Towards You
If she leans a lot in your direction and sometimes even touches your arm gently or looks for the least excuse to touch you then you know she likes you and probably desires you as well.
Licking Her Lips
There are girls who like to lick their lips. But then if you are very observant you should be able to tell from the way she licks her lips if it is a sign or just an inborn habit. It will often be slower and more subtle, usually totally unconscious on her part.
Caressing her glass
If you find yourself talking to a woman who is caressing her glass in circular motion around the rim you can almost be certain that she is thinking about sex. I have seen this fascinating involuntary action many times and I have never been wrong as to what it meant. Although there are bound to be exceptions of course. Don’t get careless and confront her about what she is doing and what it might mean. That will spoil everything in most cases. Instead act on the information you have received and gently take the encounter to the next level.
She’s Touching Her Hair A Lot
Some girls touch their hair a lot when they are nervous and so when this happens in a social setting to a girl you are talking to chances are that she is flustered by your presence and more so the desires it is provoking in her body.
Shaking One Of Her Legs
Very animal instinct behavior this one and with a very clear message; she is turned on.
She’s laughing A Lot
I am not sure about the psychological reason why girls laugh a lot around men they are attracted to. But it happens a lot. And so if she’s laughing uncontrollably even when you haven’t said anything particularly funny then you should know that it means she has the hots for you.
Leading Questions She Asks
Men are generally very slow in catching hints from the fairer sex. At least that’s the view held by a vast majority of women. And as a result many good ladies are accustomed to using leading questions to try and catch the attention of a man. And many times the men still miss it.
Always pay very close attention to what she is saying and the questions she is asking. You could for instance announce that you are about to tell a joke and despite the fact that you have not told any dirty jokes all evening she quickly blurts out; “Is that a naughty joke now?” This should give you a very clear idea of what she is thinking. To be sure wait and see if the process is repeated. It usually is, several times, at least until she gives up that you will ever understand what is going on.
Shifty Eyes
Sometimes shifty nervous eyes in a girl will indicate that she is very interested in you. This depends on her personality and applies most to shy girls. In some cases the girl will be terrified of holding your gaze or you looking straight into their eyes. This could be an indication that she likes you but is not sure about your feelings and is therefore terrified of you seeing her true feelings in her eyes.
Some women will display several of these signs when they are interested in a man. Others will hardly show any of them. However armed with this general guide it should be much easier for you to spot any other different tell tale signs that are not listed here.
See also;
How to approach a woman and take her home
Men Who Pick Women At Will Use These Techniques
10 seduction secrets used by the pros
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